Friday, April 22, 2016

Why am I interested in my career goal

The are many  reasons why  I'm interested in becoming a professional soccer player. To start off and the reason why I started and won't change my mind in career choice is that making a living out of playing a sport you love is just the dream. One of the biggest reasons is that soccer (futbol) is fun and I know that it sounds cheesy but whenever I have a problem or I'm stressed for whatever reason I simply forget about everything when I play soccer. Many people always tell me that it isn't a good career choice, but I say as long as you love what you do and simply believe what you are capable of it doesn't matter what anyone tells you. Sure to get scouted is in fact really hard and there are a lot of people who quit but as long as you have that strong mentality towards your goal nothing should stop you. I have always dreamed of being  a pro soccer player and honestly everything about playing is interesting people screaming your name. Getting recognized for the hard work you put in sounds great.


  1. Jesus, it is good to have a passion. Since your career does rely on your physical ability and our bodies tend to be at peak performance only until your 30s, what will be your back up plan in case of injury or having to earn a living between jobs? Will you perhaps be a coach or manager or work for a sports team?

  2. If soccer is what you love and have a passion for keep doing what you love. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love because at the end its your life not theirs.

  3. I totally agree with you do what you love and don't let anyone put you down. People always tell me the same thing about the career I chose. That it's way to dangerous to have a career in the Marine Corp. Just stick to what you love. You can never please every one so do it for yourself and your family!

  4. If you become pro make sure you get me some tickets and puro aguilas. Don't be like salvador cabañas.

  5. I agree Jesus. That when you put your mind to it you can do whatever you want.

  6. Do what you love to do if soccer is your dream go for it. Takes a lot of time and hard work but in the end its worth it. #PUROBARCA
