Friday, May 6, 2016

Do you have to be friends with your co workers

Do people have to be friends with their co workers I think it depends. What I mean by that is that I mean most jobs are boring and not having any friends to pass the time could make it even more boring. I guess technically you don't have to be friends with anyone and you can just  chill by yourself and do your job duties but whats the fun in that. I personally like to interact with others and goof off from time to time. I also know people who prefer being alone at work like my brother he prefers not talking to anyone and just doing what needs to be done. Then again being friends or having friends as co workers doesn't always work out I remember I use to work at the cooler and there was a lot of people I knew working there and I use to mess around a lot with my friends  long story short one day I decided to mess around and throw pieces of cauliflower at my friends head. I didn't get caught throwing vegetables but he did and he got fired it was funny at first but then it got serious.


  1. I also believe it depends. I also like to interact with people and have a little fun at work. But do what makes you feel comfortable.

  2. I also believe that they don't have to be good friend but enough to get along with each other and have a good working environment.

  3. I agree with you, some people enjoy working with their friends and others don't. I, personally don't mind working with my friends, I actually prefer working with them.
