Friday, April 29, 2016

Everyone else does it

I think in atleast everyone's life they have said this line which is everyone else does it or everyone else is  doing it. In my opinion  I think it means that if someone else has or is doing something you follow the crowd. I actually have said this many times as a kid trying to get something usually towards my parents. I actually remember saying this a number of times. I remember this one time I wanted to get gauges and well my dad is very against the idea of guys getting piercings. At first he didn't even consider the idea and after a week or so he finally asked me why I wanted to get gauges and I responded the worse possible answer which was everyone else is doing it so why can't I . He then told me that getting something just cause everyone else has it is not a sign of a very good leader. I actually thought about it but eventually got the gauges either way without his consent   and that was the biggest mistake of my life I got the biggest "chinga"of my life. You live you learn.


  1. Overall now you know that doing it because other people do it was a mistake and hopefully you learned your lesson. People make mistakes all the time and some times use that quote to back them up. I agree with you, that quote is used by nearly everyone. And everyone will still do it with out consent.

  2. Well Jesus, you live you learn is the truth of life. I think it is interesting that you gave the example of what happened to you with the slang word you chose because that has a lot of diffent types of meaning, so it would be better if you used a different description and avoid any type of slang in your posts..

  3. There is nothing worse than using that as an excuse, however, like you said, I also believe most people have used that phrase including myself. I'm glad you learned from your experience because that's what life is about.

  4. Many people use that line as an excuse all the time. It isn't a good way of trying to convince someone.

  5. Yes i agree with you brother we all use it when we are in trouble. And my biggest example of that phrase was a day when i got drunk with friends.

    1. So when you comment with things about yourself that you may not want your employer to know or read,realize that this comment is public for the world! Be careful what you say about the things you do in your free time.

  6. I agree if you follow the crowd then you will not become a leader. You won't stand out and you won't be different. But being different is a good thing and being your own person is an even better thing.
